Uses of a qualified electronic seal
20/08/2024Online age verification – the balance between security and open access to services
Use case – schools and universities
It is not only insurance providers or sharing companies that use modern tools for their daily tasks. The possibilities offered by the virtual world are also improving the work of schools and universities. Educational entities, like many other institutions, were forced to introduce modern solutions when the pandemic broke out. Although the stage of social isolation is over, the technologies enabling, among other things, the remote handling of paperwork, have stayed with them for the long term. As a result, the handling of hundreds, or even thousands, of students and instructors has been automated.
Challenges for educational institutions
In addition to the obvious task of schools and universities, i.e. teaching, these organisations also have to take care of the legal aspects of their activities. As public entities, they are obliged to comply with educational regulations, as well as transparency and security in data and records management.
Challenges in this area may involve:
- identity verification,
- remote signing of documents,
- digitisation of archives.
Solutions for modern education
For each of the mentioned areas, a solution can be tailored to eliminate any impediments. For educational entities, this might look like the following:
- Identity verification – universities and schools just like companies in other areas can provide services for a fee. A public school or even a state university that offers part-time study will need to enter into a contract with its client.Before this can happen, the entity must verify the identity of the person it is contacting. During the study itself, verification of the mentee may also be needed when logging into e-learning platforms or other internal systems. In any case, Digital Gateways tools such as scanning a document with an electronic layer thanks to NFC technology or biometric solutions can be used.
- E-signature – in the previously mentioned contractual issue, a signed document is essential. With an electronic signature, both parties are assured of who has certified the final file.
- E-seal – every action concerning the work of public establishments must be documented. In the context of school or university education, this will involve storing the data of one's pupils, reports on their progress or, for example, applications for passes. On the other hand, a lot of paperwork will also be required for HR matters of the leading staff. Such a large number of archive collections are more easily accessible in digital form. An electronic stamp will be useful for digitising files. Once the paper letters have been scanned, the file will be stamped, confirming the integrity of the document and its source.A durable medium - this solution provides confirmation of the unchanged form of the file and where it came from.The auditlog, a report of all the changes made to a document, will provide the public institution with incontrovertible proof of the authenticity of each letter.In this way, the entity can also easily access any recorded activity, which improves the overview of the entire repository.E-signature – in the aforementioned contract issue, a signed document is essential. With an electronic signature, both parties can be sure of who has certified the final version of the file.
- Durable medium – this solution provides confirmation of the unchanged form of the file and where it came from. The auditlog, a report of all the changes made to a document, will provide the public institution with incontrovertible proof of the authenticity of every letter. In this way, the entity can also easily access any recorded activity, which streamlines the review of the entire repository.