The internet opens up a huge range of possibilities for us. Anywhere, anytime, we have open access to the knowledge we need, entertainment but also tools that make it easier to do everyday things. However, widespread access comes with risks. Online, it is easier to pass oneself off as someone who does not really exist. This can be particularly dangerous for younger users. Is it possible, then, to find a golden mean between wide access to services in the virtual world and age restrictions? With which services is it necessary to check this customer data? How can this be carried out? What are the benefits of verifying a user's date of birth? You will find out all about it in this article.
Age verification is nothing more than confirming whether a customer's date of birth restricts them from using the services in question. Importantly, it is required by law on companies providing certain products, such as alcohol. It is also an important measure in terms of looking after the mental health of children and young people by tailoring content for them. Nowadays, companies can check a user's age online, which does not make it more difficult to establish business relationships at a distance, but at the same time sets appropriate boundaries for younger users. So in what situations should the date of birth be checked, beyond the examples mentioned so far?
Among the most important cases where the service provider should verify the age of the user must be mentioned:
Age verification, is not only an obligation, but also a benefit for service providers. We have listed the main ones below.
Depending on the type of service and the capabilities of the users, other age verification options will work better. For younger people, age verification based on a bank account will be difficulty. With Digital Gateways, you can tailor the verification method according to your customers' needs and even give them several options to choose from. All to ensure a positive experience for them. Maintaining the security standards of your users' data also comes first.